An Empirical analysis of the effect of user behavior based on marketing sustainable fashion

Chalapathi, Beeraka and Rajini, G. (2024) An Empirical analysis of the effect of user behavior based on marketing sustainable fashion. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias, 3. p. 883. ISSN 2953-4860

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An Empirical analysis of the effect of user behavior based on marketing sustainable fashion Beeraka Chalapathi G. Rajini

User behavior has had a significant impact on the fashion sector's marketing strategy. Environmental knowledge, market attitude, social conditioning, and value perception worth all had a favorable influence on the buying, but market attitude had the significant impacts. This study used a decision-making model that encompassed cognition, emotive, and behavior intentions to examine customer behavior of product consumer engagement. On the questionnaires, the demographic and hypothesis measurement items were separated. Only 370 of the 500 persons who applied have any previous experience shopping in the fashion industry. The major factors used to measure hypotheses are Promotional Strategy, Customer Satisfaction, Relationship Satisfaction, Purchase Intent, Loyalty Intention, and Participation Intention. All elements were evaluated using a 5-point Likert scale to measure from 1 – 5. This study also suggests that in order to achieve marketing goals and achieve long-term effectiveness for businesses, marketing content should be followed by Marketing Activity (MA) and Customer Experience (CE)
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Item Type: Article
Subjects: Management Studies > Marketing Management
Divisions: Management Studies
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Date Deposited: 04 Oct 2024 09:47
Last Modified: 04 Oct 2024 09:47

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