Parametric analysis on drilling of aluminium alloy hybrid composites reinforced with SIC/WC

Babu, S Senthil and Dhanasekaran, C and Anbuchezhiyan, G and Palani, Kumaran (2022) Parametric analysis on drilling of aluminium alloy hybrid composites reinforced with SIC/WC. Engineering Research Express, 4 (2). 025036. ISSN 2631-8695

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Parametric analysis on drilling of aluminium alloy hybrid composites reinforced with SIC/WC S Senthil Babu C Dhanasekaran G Anbuchezhiyan Kumaran Palani Abstract

Aluminium alloy (Al7075) based hybrid metal matrix composites reinforced with Silicon carbide (SiC) and Tungsten carbide (WC), at 5 wt% each are considered for this investigation, which are developed by stir casting methodology. Material characteristic analysis both at micro and macro (Tensile strength and micro hardness) level were performed. This investigation is further progressed with drilling of the composites using titanium aluminium nitride coated carbide drill (5mm diameter) for varied point angle, feed rate and drill speed. The responses such as thrust force, surface roughness and roundness error were investigated by adopting Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Multiple linear regression (MLR) is developed along with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) model for predicting the outputs. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image reveals the uniform distribution of ceramic particles in matrix which ascertains enhanced mechanical properties. The parameters such as feed rate and point angle are found to have significant influence during drilling process. The roundness error is found higher with higher point angle which is due to the wider cutting edges in the drill bit. For unconstrained multi-objective optimization, the optimal condition obtained are 128°- point angle, 0.05 mm rev −1 feed rate and 1000 rpm drill speed. For constrained optimization (roundness error ≤0.05 mm), optimal conditions are 118° point angle, 0.05 mm rev −1 feed rate and 1000 rpm drill speed.
06 01 2022 06 01 2022 025036 Parametric analysis on drilling of aluminium alloy hybrid composites reinforced with SIC/WC Engineering Research Express paper © 2022 The Author(s). 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Item Type: Article
Subjects: Mechanical Engineering > Fluid Mechanics
Divisions: Mechanical Engineering
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2024 11:29
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2024 11:29

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