Trust-based Key Management Conglomerate ElGamal Encryption for Data Aggregation Framework in WSN using Blockchain Technology

Babu, T. G. and Jayalakshmi, V. (2021) Trust-based Key Management Conglomerate ElGamal Encryption for Data Aggregation Framework in WSN using Blockchain Technology. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12 (11). ISSN 2158107X

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In wireless sensor networks (WSN), data aggregation is a widely used method. Security issues like data integrity and data confidentiality became a significant concern in data aggregation when the sensor network is deployed in a hostile
environment. Many researches may carry out several works to
tolerate these security issues. However, there were some
limitations like delay, the arrival rate of packets, and so on. Hence, to overcome the existing problems, this approach offers a blockchain-dependent data aggregation scheme in WSN. The main intention of the proposed work is to generate a certificateless key generation so that the proposed system's secrecy rate is improved. The use of blockchain is employed for security purposes, and it enables the user to acquire the information stored internally in an effortless manner. Initially, deployment of sensor and base station (BS) is carried out, followed by node registration at which the public/private keys are generated. The computation of private hash values is carried by performing certificateless key generation. After that, the formation of blockchain is made using the PoW (Proof of Work) detection algorithm followed by the aggregation of data. In the data aggregation process, Elgammal based cryptographic approach is introduced to acquire member data, perform aggregation logic, and transfer the aggregated data. Finally, cluster-based routing is established with the use of Knapsack based cluster routing strategy. The performance investigation of
the proposed system is estimated and the outcomes attained are compared with the existing techniques in terms of arrival rate, average delay, and the delay ratio of the packets. The investigation illustrates that the suggested approach is better than the traditional techniques.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Computer Science Engineering > Big Data
Divisions: Computer Science
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2024 05:32
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2024 05:32

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