Deep Learning-Based Traffic Accident Prediction: An Investigative Study for Enhanced Road Safety

M, Girija and V, Divya (2024) Deep Learning-Based Traffic Accident Prediction: An Investigative Study for Enhanced Road Safety. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things, 10. ISSN 2414-1399

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Deep Learning-Based Traffic Accident Prediction: An Investigative Study for Enhanced Road Safety Girija M Divya V

INTRODUCTION: Traffic accidents cause enormous loss of life as well as property, which is a global concern. Effective accident prediction is essential for raising road safety and reducing the effects of accidents. To increase traffic safety, a deep learning-based technique for predicting accidents was developed in this research study. OBJECTIVES: It gathers a large amount of data on elements including weather, road features, volume of traffic, and past accident reports. The dataset goes through pre-processing, such as normalization, to ensure that the scales of the input characteristics are uniform. Normalizing the gathered dataset ensures consistent scaling for the input features during the data processing step. This process enables efficient model training and precise forecasting. In order to track and examine the movement patterns of automobiles, people, and other relevant entities, real-time tracking and monitoring technologies, such as the deep sort algorithm, are also employed. METHODS: The model develops a thorough grasp of the traffic situation by incorporating this tracking data with the dataset. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), in particular, are utilized in this research for feature extraction and prediction. CNNs capture crucial road characteristics by extracting spatial features from images or spatial data. With its insights into improved road safety, this study advances the prediction of traffic accidents. RESULTS: A safer transport infrastructure could result from the developed deep learning-based strategy, which has the potential to enable pre-emptive interventions, enhance traffic management, and eventually reduce the frequency and severity of traffic accidents. CONCLUSION: The proposed CNN demonstrates superior accuracy when compared to the existing method.
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Item Type: Article
Subjects: Computer Science Engineering > Deep Learning
Divisions: Computer Science
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2024 06:31
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2024 06:31

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