Digitalization of human resource management and the significance of motivation in acquiring digital skills for employee retention

Ebnezer, Ebnezer and Rajini, G. (2024) Digitalization of human resource management and the significance of motivation in acquiring digital skills for employee retention. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias, 3. p. 887. ISSN 2953-4860

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Digitalization of human resource management and the significance of motivation in acquiring digital skills for employee retention Ebnezer Ebnezer G. Rajini

With an effect of digitalization, there will be an internal shift in the organization with the new ways of working by the human resource by adapting the technology in different levels to develop the organization with the fast-growing technology in order to achieve the organizational objectives and global competence. The role of human resource will be totally transformed with the factors of technology. The organization has to perceive and adapt the change by handling the pressure of the human behavior for the change and implement digital tools in human resource by motivating them in acquiring digital competencies among the employees. The key purpose of this paper is in evaluating the effect of digitalization on HR practices, and how Motivation, intermediary element which permeates the digital skill gap in making an employee digitally competitive and to be retainable
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Item Type: Article
Subjects: Management Studies > Management Accounting
Divisions: Management Studies
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 08 Oct 2024 09:21
Last Modified: 08 Oct 2024 09:21

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