Machine Ability Characteristics of PWEDM Process

Vasudevarao, v and P, Periyasamy. and Rao*, P.V.Narisma and Ramanan, r and Sharavanan, s (2019) Machine Ability Characteristics of PWEDM Process. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 3580-3583. ISSN 22783075

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Machine Ability Characteristics of PWEDM Process Research scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St Peter’s Institute of higher education and Research, Avadi, Chennai Vasudevarao Periyasamy. P Department of Mechanical Engineering, St Peter’s Institute of higher education and Research, Avadi, Chennai P.V.Narisma Rao* Research scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St Peter’s Institute of higher education and Research, Avadi, Chennai Ramanan Sr Engineer, Synce Engineering service, Chennai Sharavanan Department of Mechanical Engineering, VISTAS, Pallavaram, Chenai

The traditional machining consists of a specific contact between the tool and work piece. As a result of this contact the tool may wear out after a few operations. In addition to that, the MRR (Material Removal Rate), Surface Finish, etc. is also lowered. As a result of these drawbacks, traditional or conventional machining processes cannot be used to machine ceramic based alloys and thus we opt for unconventional machining process. The Electrical Discharge Machine contains of two spaces one is Electrode and other is Work piece. In this concept the among the tool wear rate is moderate and the surface roughness is to be poor. The tool cost is so high. Hence continuously tool modification is not possible. So in the work main objective of the problem is reduced the tool wear rate and increase the MRR. (Material removal rate). So in the case we are consider in the surface roughness. The surface roughness is to be high is the taken in industrial application. So we have focus with surface roughness. These are the considering with in our problems. In our aim is reducing the toll wear and improve the Material Remove rate. In order to addition of graphite in Electrolyte. When added the electrolyte in Graphite the Toll wear rate decrease and increase a material Removal Rate. Finally we have disc the DOE process
11 30 2019 3580 3583 CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 10.35940/BEIESP.CrossMarkPolicy true 10.35940/ijitee.A3962.119119

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Biomedical Engineering > Medical Instrumentation
Divisions: Biomedical Engineering
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 08 Oct 2024 08:36
Last Modified: 08 Oct 2024 08:36

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