Integrated Web Application (Snips2HLA-HsG) Development for Sample Preparation and Model Creation for HLA Allele Prediction with the SNP Data Using HIBAG Package of Bioconductor and R Programming

Sivaprakasam, Balamurugan and Sadagopan, Prasanna (2024) Integrated Web Application (Snips2HLA-HsG) Development for Sample Preparation and Model Creation for HLA Allele Prediction with the SNP Data Using HIBAG Package of Bioconductor and R Programming. OBM Genetics, 08 (02). pp. 1-16. ISSN 25775790

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Integrated Web Application (Snips2HLA-HsG) Development for Sample Preparation and Model Creation for HLA Allele Prediction with the SNP Data Using HIBAG Package of Bioconductor and R Programming Balamurugan Sivaprakasam Prasanna Sadagopan

The present study introduces Snips2HLA-HsG, an integrated application designed for SNP genotype analysis and HLA allele type prediction. Leveraging attribute bagging, a powerful ensemble classifier technique from the Bioconductor HIBAG package, Snips2HLA-HsG offers a comprehensive response for genetic analysis. Accessible via <a href=""></a>, the application distinguishes itself by prioritizing user-friendliness and integrating all-purpose functionalities, including sample preparation, model generation, HLA prediction, and accuracy assessment. In contrast to the fragmented landscape of existing HLA imputation software, this study addresses the need for an integrated, user-centric platform. By streamlining processes and enhancing accessibility, Snips2HLA-HsG ensures usability, even for biologists with limited computer proficiency. Future updates will address the choice between one or ten classifiers, aiming to optimize server utility and meet research needs effectively by adding more classifiers to utilize multiple cores for faster calculations. Looking ahead, Snips2HLA-HsG will undergo regular updates and maintenance to ensure continued effectiveness and relevance in genetic research. Maintenance efforts will focus on resolving issues or bugs and providing ongoing user support.
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Item Type: Article
Subjects: Computer Science > Web Technologies
Divisions: Computer Science
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 08 Oct 2024 05:16
Last Modified: 08 Oct 2024 05:16

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