Transforming Customer Experience in E-Commerce Market Place: A SMACT Approach

Srivastva, Abhishek and Kiran, Prabha (2016) Transforming Customer Experience in E-Commerce Market Place: A SMACT Approach. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32). ISSN 0974-6846

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Background/Objectives: No organization can succeed if customers are not taken into confidence. The organizations must listen to its customers and stakeholders and adapt to their changing needs and preferences in the modern business practices connected with e-commerce. Social Media, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud Computing collectively referred as SMAC, the new addition suggested by the paper is Internet of Thing that has found to have a strong impact in transforming the customer experience, thus renaming SMAC as SMACT. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The paper focuses on impact of SMACT in E-commerce market place. The paper also attempts to analyses the drivers of SMACT that are responsible for transforming customer experience. Further the paper studies the strategies associated with SMACT for development of E-Commerce. An in-depth literature review was carried out to study the SMAC and IOT effect on customer transformation. A structured questionnaire was developed for studying the adoption of SMACT technology for better e-commerce experience. Statistical software package, SPSS 20 was used to analyze the questionnaire. Findings: It was found that drivers like Security, reliability, Integration, discoverability and Interoperability are transforming the customer experience through SMACT adoption and organizations also are encouraging their customers to accept these technologies. Organizations are also developing specific business strategies for incorporating these technologies in their business models. Application\ Improvement: Internet of Things has found its footholds in modern technologies among customers and they are readily accepting them as a part of their lives. Social Media, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud Computing are, hence incomplete without incorporation of “Internet of Things”. The paper hence proposes that the IOT should also be studied along with other SMAC technologies and be called as SMACT. Keywords: E-Commerce, Internet of Things (IoT), SMAC, Transformation

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Management Studies > Business Research Methodology
Divisions: Management Studies
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 06 Oct 2024 10:28
Last Modified: 06 Oct 2024 10:28

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