Research and Development in the Networks of Cognitive Radio: A Survey

Bharathy, G. T. and Rajendran, V. and Meena, M. and Tamilselvi, T. (2021) Research and Development in the Networks of Cognitive Radio: A Survey. In: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies. springer, pp. 475-494.

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The cognitive radio (CR) prototype that has been intended to scheme the future wireless communication structures is emerging progressively by utilizing its various features within the existing wireless system models. A considerable quantity of research attempts has been carried out for resolving CR disputes, and numerous technologies associated with CR in addition to vibrant accessibility of the spectrum have also been incorporated. Furthermore, software-defined radio [SDR] systems have progressed to a larger extent, where it can be utilized for implementing the CR networks. This paper is intended to provide wide-ranging investigation for deploying the increasing exploration in the field of CR systems by including all features like spectrum sensing, evaluations, numerical designing of spectrum utilization and concepts of physical layer including the modulation scheme, multiple access techniques, resource distribution, cognitive learning and strength and safety measures in CR networks. The evolving developments of CR research and disputes associated to the cost-effective CR systems are also summarized in this research study

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Electronics and Communication Engineering > Basic Electronics
Divisions: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2024 06:12
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2024 06:12

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