Anisha Estherita, S. and Vasantha, S. (2024) Fostering employee engagement and knowledge sharing through artificial intelligence. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias, 3. p. 897. ISSN 2953-4860
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Fostering employee engagement and knowledge sharing through artificial intelligence S. Anisha Estherita S. Vasantha
Artificial Intelligence is the field that growing at a rapid pace which involves the development of intelligent machines that perform tasks with the aid of human intelligence. The implementation of Artificial Intelligence has led to significant advancements in various business fields. It has the potential to transform the businesses and improve the process in many ways. Knowledge is the vital asset of any person, while its shared, it becomes an asset for many. Sharing of knowledge involves the exchange of information and expertise among the individuals in an organization. Knowledge sharing can help organizations to identify and the address problems effectively and swiftly. Engaging employee in an organization becomes a vital aspect for organizational productivity and organizational success as well. Once when an employee becomes emotionally attached to their organization, they feel responsible about their work and will work with involvement. Artificial Intelligence has the potential to promote employee engagement and knowledge sharing. Through personalized learning and development opportunities, it fosters employee engagement, whereas through real-time communication and collaboration technologies it facilitates knowledge sharing within the organization. This review article aims at discovering how Artificial Intelligence facilitates sharing of knowledge and engaging employees in the organization by undertaking a secondary method of data collection. This review article's primary goal is to add to the body of knowledge already available on the subject. The study found that adoption of Artificial Intelligence creates work environments that maximize knowledge sharing and enhances employee engagement
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Date Deposited: | 06 Oct 2024 07:09 |
Last Modified: | 06 Oct 2024 07:09 |
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