Unmasking of Heart Disease Symptoms Using the COVID-19 Vaccine Dataset in Twitter: Text Feature Extraction, Sentiment Analysis

Shyamala Devi, N. and Sharmila, K. and Grace Hannah, J. (2024) Unmasking of Heart Disease Symptoms Using the COVID-19 Vaccine Dataset in Twitter: Text Feature Extraction, Sentiment Analysis. In: Futuristic e-Governance Security With Deep Learning Applications. IGI, pp. 191-198.

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N. Shyamala Devi Vels Institute of Science, Technology, and Advanced Studies, India K. Sharmila Vels Institute of Science, Technology, and Advanced Studies, India J. Grace Hannah Vels Institute of Science, Technology, and Advanced Studies, India https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9997-3157 Unmasking of Heart Disease Symptoms Using the COVID-19 Vaccine Dataset in Twitter Text Feature Extraction, Sentiment Analysis

The chapter delves into the intricate web of conversations surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine on Twitter and explores its potential association with heart disease symptoms. In an era where social media plays a pivotal role in shaping public perception and disseminating information, understanding the narratives and concerns around vaccine safety is of paramount importance. Leveraging a dataset curated from Twitter discussions, the authors employ natural language processing techniques and sentiment analysis to unearth insights regarding heart disease symptoms mentioned in the context of COVID-19 vaccination. This research unearths the sentiments, trends, and possible correlations within this corpus of Twitter data. By unmasking potential connections between COVID-19 vaccination and heart disease symptoms, this study contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of vaccine-related discussions and their implications for public health.
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Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Computer Science Engineering > Data Modeling
Divisions: Computer Science Engineering
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 06 Oct 2024 07:04
Last Modified: 06 Oct 2024 07:04
URI: https://ir.vistas.ac.in/id/eprint/8870

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