Savitri, Goparaju (2024) Advancement in Generation and Application of Microfluidic Chip Technology. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology(IJPSN), 17 (2). pp. 7277-7298. ISSN 0974-3278
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Advancement in Generation and Application of Microfluidic Chip Technology Goparaju Savitri
Microfluidics is an interdisciplinary topic of research that draws inspiration from other areas such as fluid dynamics, microelectronics, materials science, and physics. Microfluidics has made it possible to create microscale channels and chambers out of a broad variety of materials by borrowing ideas from a number of different fields. This has opened up exciting possibilities for the development of platforms of any size, shape, and geometry using a variety of approaches. One of the most significant advantages of microfluidics is its versatility in applications. Microfluidic chips can be used for a variety of purposes, such as incorporating nanoparticles, encapsulating and delivering drugs, targeting cells, analyzing cells, performing diagnostic tests, and cultivating cells. This adaptability has led to the development of several device-like systems for use in a range of settings. In this study, we explore cutting-edge novel applications for microfluidic and nanofabrication technologies. We examine current developments in the area of microfluidics and highlight their potential for usage in the medical industry. We pay special attention to digital microfluidics, a recently developed and very useful technique for illness diagnosis and monitoring. The originality of microfluidics is found in the fact that it allows for the miniaturization of complex systems and processes, paving the way for the creation of cutting-edge gadgets with wide-ranging practical applications. Microfluidics has the potential to transform various fields, including medicine, biotechnology, environmental monitoring, and more. The development of novel microfluidic platforms, coupled with advancements in digital microfluidics, promises to revolutionize the way we diagnose, treat, and monitor diseases.
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Date Deposited: | 06 Oct 2024 06:59 |
Last Modified: | 06 Oct 2024 06:59 |
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