Optimization of Multi Objective Job Shop Scheduling Problems Using Firefly Algorithm

Udaiyakumar, K.C. and Chandrasekaran, M. (2014) Optimization of Multi Objective Job Shop Scheduling Problems Using Firefly Algorithm. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 591. pp. 157-162. ISSN 1662-7482

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Optimization of Multi Objective Job Shop Scheduling Problems Using Firefly Algorithm K.C. Udaiyakumar Sathyabama University M. Chandrasekaran Vels University

Scheduling is the allocation of resources over time to carry out a collection of tasks assigned in any field of engineering and non engineering. Majority of JSSP are categorized into non deterministic (NP) hard problem because of its complexity. Scheduling are generally solved by using heuristics to obtain optimal or near optimal solutions because problems found in practical applications cannot be solved to optimality using available resources in many cases. Many researchers attempted to solve the problem by applying various optimization techniques. While using traditional methods they observed huge difficulty in solving high complex problems and meta-heuristic algorithms were proved most efficient algorithms to solve various JSSP so far. The objective of this paper i) to make use of a newly developed meta heuristic called Firefly algorithm (FA) because of inspiration on Firefly and its characteristic. ii) To find the combined objective function by determining optimal make span, mean flow time and tardiness of different size problems (using Lawrence 1-40 problems) as a bench marking dataset and to find the actual computational time. Iii) to prove that the proposed FFA algorithm is a good problem solving technique for JSSP with multi criteria.
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Item Type: Article
Subjects: Mechanical Engineering > Computer-Aided Design
Mechanical Engineering > Control System
Divisions: Mechanical Engineering
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2024 08:30
Last Modified: 02 Oct 2024 08:30
URI: https://ir.vistas.ac.in/id/eprint/7987

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