Large-scale synthesis of coiled-like shaped carbon nanotubes using bi-metal catalyst

Krishna, Vemula Mohana and Somanathan, T. and Manikandan, E. and Umar, Ahmad and Maaza, M. (2018) Large-scale synthesis of coiled-like shaped carbon nanotubes using bi-metal catalyst. Applied Nanoscience, 8 (1-2). pp. 105-113. ISSN 2190-5509

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Large-scale synthesis of coiled-like shaped carbon nanotubes using bi-metal catalyst Vemula Mohana Krishna T. Somanathan E. Manikandan Ahmad Umar M. Maaza Abstract

Carbon nanomaterials (CNMs), especially carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with coiled structure exhibit scientifically fascinating. They may be projected as an innovative preference to future technological materials. Coiled carbon nanotubes (c-CNTs) on a large-scale were successfully synthesized with the help of bi-metal substituted α-alumina nanoparticles catalyst via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique. Highly spring-like carbon nanostructures were observed by field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) examination. Furthermore, the obtained material has high purity, which correlates the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis. Raman spectroscopy reveals that the carbon multi layers are well graphitized and crystalline, even if they have defects in its structure due to coiled morphology. High-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) describes internal structure and dia of the product. Ultimately, results support the activity of bi-metal impregnated α-alumina nanoparticles catalyst to determine the high yield, graphitization and internal structure of the material. We have also studied the purified c-CNTs magnetic properties at room temperature and will be an added advantage in several applications.
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Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2024 07:16
Last Modified: 02 Oct 2024 07:16

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