Investigation on Flexural and Impact Properties of Abaca and Manila Hybrid Composite

Vijaya Ramnath, B. and Manickavasagam, V.M. and Elanchezhian, C. and Santhosh Shankar, A. and Sundarrajan, R. and Vickneshwaran, S. and Pithchai Pandian, S. (2014) Investigation on Flexural and Impact Properties of Abaca and Manila Hybrid Composite. Advanced Materials Research, 1051. pp. 102-106. ISSN 1662-8985

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Investigation on Flexural and Impact Properties of Abaca and Manila Hybrid Composite B. Vijaya Ramnath Sri Sai Ram Engineering College V.M. Manickavasagam Vels University C. Elanchezhian Sri Sai Ram Engineering College A. Santhosh Shankar Sri Sai Ram Engineering College R. Sundarrajan Sri Sai Ram Engineering College S. Vickneshwaran Sri Sai Ram Engineering College S. Pithchai Pandian Sri Sai Ram Engineering College

Bio-fibre composites are increasingly replacing conventional and synthetic composite materials for the past two decades. This is due to their abundant availability, high strength to weight ratio and bio-degradability. Suitable properties of natural fibres can be imparted by changing the orientation of the fibres during manufacturing process. This paper proposes a hybrid property of natural fibre composite made up of Manila and abaca fibres as reinforcing agents with epoxy resin as matrix .Hand lay-up process is used for manufacturing this composite laminate. Then the treated fibres with increased strength are used with epoxy LY556 resin with HY951 hardener under room temperature. Three different samples are prepared and their mechanical properties like impact and flexural strength are found. This hybrid composite is effectively developed for automobile and electrical applications.
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Item Type: Article
Subjects: Mechanical Engineering > Mathematics
Mechanical Engineering > Computer-Aided Design
Mechanical Engineering > Robotics
Divisions: Mechanical Engineering
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2024 07:13
Last Modified: 02 Oct 2024 07:13

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