Ramnath, B. Vijaya and Chandrasekhar, Vishal and Elanchezhian, C. and Vinoth, L. Bruce Selva and Venkatraman, K. (2014) Value Stream Evaluation and Simulation to Improve Material Flow and Productivity. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 612. pp. 89-95. ISSN 1662-7482
Full text not available from this repository. (Request a copy)Abstract
Value Stream Evaluation and Simulation to Improve Material Flow and Productivity B. Vijaya Ramnath Sri Sairam Engineering College Vishal Chandrasekhar Sri Sairam Engineering College C. Elanchezhian Sri Sai Ram Engineering College L. Bruce Selva Vinoth Sri Sairam Engineering College K. Venkatraman Vels University
The main objective of this paper is to improve the productivity of a carburetor production processes using lean manufacturing technique. The current system of the carburetor production process has been mapped using electronic Value Stream Mapping (eVSM) tool which is a lean manufacturing tool and the wastages in the current system are identified. Then future state was drawn by using eVSM tool which has an enhanced process ratio by decreasing maximum possible waste in the production process. The current and future state of the carburetor production has been created as model and simulated using Arena software. The simulation shows a significant decrease in Non-Value added time and production lead time, thereby indicating increase in productivity and better work flow in production processes.
08 11 2014 89 95 https://www.scientific.net/PolicyAndEthics/PublishingPolicies https://www.scientific.net/license/TDM_Licenser.pdf 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.612.89 https://www.scientific.net/AMM.612.89 https://www.scientific.net/AMM.612.89.pdf Adams MP, Componation P, Czarnecki H, Schroer BJ. Simulation as a Tool for Continous Process Improvement. Proc of Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 766-733. 10.1145/324138.324475 Narahari Y, Viswanadham N, Kumar VK. Lead time modelling and acceleration of product design and development. IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation 1999: 15 (5): 882-896. 10.1109/70.795793 Rother M, Shook J. Learning to See: Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate Muda. 1. 4 Version. Brookline: Lean Enterprise Institute; (1999). McDonald TE, Aken V, Butler R. Integration of Simulation and Value Stream Mapping in Transformation to Lean Production, IIE Annual Conference (2000). Khaswala ZN, Irani SA. Value Network Mapping (VNM): Visualization and Analysis of Multiple Flows in Value Stream Maps. Proceedings of the Lean Management Solutions Conference 2001. Ferrin DM, Miller MJ & Muthler D. Lean sigma and simulation, so what's the correlation? V2. Proceeding of the Winter Simulation Conference (2005). 10.1109/wsc.2005.1574481 Abdulmalek FA, Rajgopal J. Analyzing the benefits of lean manufacturing and value stream mapping via simulation: A process sector case study. International Journal of Production Economics 2006: 107: 223– 236. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2006.09.009 Ward AC. Lean Product and Process Development. 1st ed. Brookline: Lean Enterprise Institute; (2007). Goriwondo WM, Mhlanga S, Marecha A. Use of the value stream mapping tool for waste reduction in manufacturing case study for bread manufacturing in Zimbabwe. Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (2011). Gurumurthy A, Kodali R. Design of lean manufacturing systems using value stream mapping with simulation: A case study. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 2011: 22: 4. 10.1108/17410381111126409 Vijaya Ramnath B., Elanchezhian C. and Kesavan R., A multi attribute decision making method for selection of optimal assembly line, Management Science Letters, Vol. 1, pp.65-72, (2011). 10.5267/j.msl.2010.01.003 10.5120/795-1129 Vijaya Ramnath B., Elanchezhian C. and Kesavan R., Application of analytical hierarchy process to select Lean-Kitting assembly for an engine assembly, AIMS International Journal of Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.119-133, (2010).
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | Mechanical Engineering > Manufacturing Processes |
Divisions: | Mechanical Engineering |
Depositing User: | Mr IR Admin |
Date Deposited: | 02 Oct 2024 07:00 |
Last Modified: | 02 Oct 2024 07:00 |
URI: | https://ir.vistas.ac.in/id/eprint/7786 |