Prasad, A. Reddy and Rajesh, A. (2023) Hybrid heuristic mechanism for occlusion aware facial expression recognition scheme using patch based adaptive CNN with attention mechanism. Intelligent Decision Technologies, 17 (3). pp. 773-797. ISSN 18724981
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Hybrid heuristic mechanism for occlusion aware facial expression recognition scheme using patch based adaptive CNN with attention mechanism A. Reddy Prasad A. Rajesh
In computer vision, the recognition of expressions from partially occluded faces is one of the serious problems. By the prior recognizing techniques it can solve the issue by various assumptions. A benchmark-guided branch was proposed for detecting and eliminating the manipulated features from the occluded regions since the human visual system is proficient for eliminating the occlusion and the appropriate focal point was obtained on the non-occluded areas. In recent years deep learning has attained a great place in the recognition of facial reactions Still, the precision of facial expression is affected by the occlusion and large skew. In this research work, a deep structure-based occlusionaware facial expression recognition mechanism is introduced to provide superior recognition results. Firstly, the required image is taken from publically provided online sources and the gathered images are subjected to the face extraction method. The face extraction method is done via the ViolaJones method for the extraction of redundant patterns from the original images. Secondly, the extracted face features are given to the pattern recognition stage, where the Adaptive CNN with Attention Mechanism (ACNN-AM) is introduced. This mechanism automatically forms the occluded region of the face and the focal point was on the most discriminative un-occluded regions. Moreover, the hidden patterns in the Occlusion aware facial expressions are identified through the Hybrid Galactic Swarm Yellow Saddle Goatfish Optimization (HGSYSGO). Finally, the overall effectiveness of the developed occlusion aware facial expression recognition model is examined through the comparative analysis of different existing baseline recognition techniques.
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Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | Computer Science > Operating System |
Divisions: | Computer Science |
Depositing User: | Mr IR Admin |
Date Deposited: | 23 Sep 2024 07:10 |
Last Modified: | 23 Sep 2024 07:10 |
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