Phytochemical analysis, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant assay of Bhut Jolokia pepper

Dharan, Dharani and Venkatesh, K. and Meenambiga, S.S. and Dhanasekar, Dhivya and Arumugam, P. (2021) Phytochemical analysis, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant assay of Bhut Jolokia pepper. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. pp. 3775-3778. ISSN 0974-3618

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Phytochemical analysis, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant assay of Bhut Jolokia pepper Dharani Dharan Department of Bio-Engineering, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai – 600117. K. venkatesh Department of Bio-Engineering, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai – 600117. S.S. Meenambiga Department of Bio-Engineering, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai – 600117. Dhivya Dhanasekar ARMATS Biotek Training and Research Institute, Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600032. P. Arumugam ARMATS Biotek Training and Research Institute, Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600032.
The presented work represents phytochemical analysis, Antioxidant assay and Antimicrobial activity of Bhut jolokia pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq) extracted by ethanol as solvent. The ethanolic extract of Bhut jolokia pepper showed the presence of terpenoids, steroids, saponins and flavonoids. Antimicrobial assay was done with varying concentration (250-1000µg/ml) of pepper extract using tetracycline as control by well diffusion method, the extract at 750µg/ml shown best inhibition zone and Staphylococcus aureus showed the highest zone of inhibition at all concentration compared to other bacteria species with maximum zone of inhibition of 27mm. The DPPH scavenging assay for antioxidant activity at 517nm showed positive activity for scavenging, scavenging increased with the concentration of extract. 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Item Type: Article
Subjects: Biotechnology > Microbial Diversity
Divisions: Biotechnology
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Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2024 05:48
Last Modified: 13 Sep 2024 05:48

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