Sol‐gel route synthesis of high energy density Li [Li 0. 2 Ni 0 . 3 Mn0 .7 ] O 2 cathode with controlled structure, morphology and enhanced electrochemical performance

Prettencia, Leonard Joseph and Soundarrajan, Elumalai and Roselin Ranjitha, Mathiarasu and Kalaivani, Raman and Raghu, Subashchandrabose (2023) Sol‐gel route synthesis of high energy density Li [Li 0. 2 Ni 0 . 3 Mn0 .7 ] O 2 cathode with controlled structure, morphology and enhanced electrochemical performance. Energy Storage, 5 (4). ISSN 2578-4862

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Sol‐gel route synthesis of high energy density Li [Li 0. 2 Ni 0 . 3 Mn0 .7 ] O 2 cathode with controlled structure, morphology and enhanced electrochemical performance Leonard Joseph Prettencia Department of Chemistry Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies (VISTAS) Chennai Tamilnadu India Elumalai Soundarrajan Department of Chemistry Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies (VISTAS) Chennai Tamilnadu India Mathiarasu Roselin Ranjitha Department of Chemistry Stella Maris College (Autonomous) Affiliated to University of Madras Chennai Tamilnadu India Raman Kalaivani Department of Chemistry Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies (VISTAS) Chennai Tamilnadu India Subashchandrabose Raghu Centre for Advanced Research and Development ‐ Chemistry, Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies (VISTAS) Chennai Tamilnadu India Abstract

The desire for long driving range and low cost of electric vehicles necessitates the use of superior rechargeable lithium batteries. These batteries with enhanced energy density addresses the demand for cutting‐edge cathode materials which can deliver amplified voltage and capacity. Lithium‐rich manganese is one among such promising cathodes for lithium‐ion batteries. In this work, three different organic acids, including oxalic (OX), tartaric (TA) and ascorbic (AS) acids were used to synthesis Li [Li 0.2 Ni 0.3 Mn 0.7 ] O 2 (LNMO) materials with three unique microstructures. Physicochemical and electrochemical characterization techniques were used to investigate a range of properties. Electrochemical investigations demonstrated regulated morphology‐enhanced electronic conductivity, increased energy density and prolonged cycle behavior. Among the three samples, AS‐LNMO unveiled a capacity of 308.02 mhAg −1 nearing the value of theoretical capacity. Whereas, TA‐LNMO exhibited a remarkable stability even after 200 cycles with capacity retention of 99.3%. With specific discharge capacities of 308.02, 278, 252, 228 and 212 mAhg −1 at 0.1C, 0.2C, 0.5C, 1C and 2C respectively, AS‐LNMO exhibited superior rate capability. Collectively, this research offers valuable insights in using complexing agents which positively impacts the morphology and electrochemical performance of LNMOs in upcoming lithium‐ion batteries.
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Item Type: Article
Subjects: Chemistry > organic Chemistry
Divisions: Chemistry
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2024 09:47
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2024 09:47

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