Scalable synthesis of graphitized carbon powder from Prosopis juliflora and its supercapacitve performance

Sivagaami Sundari, G. and Thileep Kumar, K. and Senthil Kumar, E. and Shanmugaraj, A.M. and Kalaivani, R. and Raghu, S. (2022) Scalable synthesis of graphitized carbon powder from Prosopis juliflora and its supercapacitve performance. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 161. p. 110441. ISSN 00223697

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Herein, we report a scalable synthesis of 3D porous graphitized carbon power (GC) using the one-step carbonizationand activation of Prosopis juliflora for symmetric supercapacitor applications. Electron-microscopy (SEM and TEM)showed the optimized GC forms a 3D-foam cluster morphology with a maximum surface area of ∼1183 mg , whichinduces rapid charge transfer reactions. The GC exhibit a prominent Raman 2D peak at ∼2670 cm . The electrochemical performance of the GC has been compared with commercially available carbon for the first-time. TheGC showed an exceptional half-cell specific capacitance of ∼415 Fg
at 1 Ag and the commercial carbon sampledelivered ∼270 Fg
at 1 Ag , which is very high compared to other reported
porous carbon materials obtained frombiomass. The GC delivered ∼50% higher power and >90% capacitance retention when compared to the commercialcarbon sample with an energy densityof ∼47 Whkg and power density of ∼49 kWkg . Thus, the GC electrodematerial is a green, sustainable, and alternative electrode for use in high energy supercapacitor

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Chemistry > Physical Chemistry
Divisions: Chemistry
Depositing User: Mr IR Admin
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2024 09:27
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2024 09:27

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