Items where Subject is "Business Communication"
- VELS Subject Areas (4343)
- Management Studies (245)
- Business Communication (5)
- Management Studies (245)
Janani, .V and Gayathri, S (2019) CSR in the Digital ERA – a Access on the CSR Communication of Companies and Identification of Services for CSR. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8 (11S). pp. 689-693. ISSN 2278-3075
Joju, Jacob and v, Vasantha and Joseph, Sony (2016) E-Leveraging e-CRM for Future. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32). ISSN 0974-6846
Lokesh, S and Vasantha, S and Menaga, A (2022) Influence Of Customer Relationship Management Towards Customer Loyalty with Mediating Factor Customer Satisfaction in Insurances Sector. Quality - Access to Success, 23 (187).
Rajini, G. and Madhumita, G. (2016) Exuberance Due to Celebrity Endorsement on Brands: A Product Categorical Study. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (32). ISSN 0974-6846
Vasantha, S. and NavithaSulthana, A. Impact of Pillars of Social Media Marketing on the Promotion of Business. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2).