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Pollution is something that causes harmful effect on humans, animals, marine organisms and many factors are involved in the control of pollution. Interestingly, algae involves in the control of pollution. Algae are mostly aquatic and found in marine habitat. They are classified on basis of pigmentation such as green algae, brown algae, yellow-green algae, euglenophyta, golden brown, red algae and fire algae. It plays an important role in stabilizing carbon-di-oxide level and used in food supplements. Their mode of nutrition is an autotrophic and has the ability to perform photosynthesis. Algae contains an extensive bioactive compounds like dietary fiber, carotenoids, proteins, auxins, cytokinins. Colonies of algae which grow out of control causes an algal bloom. Some bloom produce toxin effects on fish, marine mammals. In certain cases some algae like aphanizomenon, microcystis acts as water pollutant.
KEYWORDS: Micro algae, Bioactivities, Pollution control, Pollution indicator, Water pollutant.
The idea of wastewater treatment utilizing microalgae was proposed by Oswald in the 1950 and the idea was later extended to propose utilization of this framework for vitality creation through reaping and usage of algal biomass[1,2,3]. The advancement in marine biotechnology has their own mark on producing natural marine products. The bioactivity includes pharmocological and biochemical studies[4]. Cyanobacteria consists of many features and metabolism produces nitrogenous compounds. They differ morphologically and they are conical, unicellular in shapes[5]. Mass culture of algae in squander water can fundamentally add to the administration of freshwater biological systems by giving an all the more ecologically solid way to deal with decreasing the eutrophication. Consolidating algal frameworks into regular wastewater treatment can possibly improve the water nature of the profluent by diminishing the supplement and metal burdens into freshwater biological systems[6].
Metals are brought into the biological systems because of enduring of soil and shakes, from volcanic emissions and from an assortment of human exercises including mining, handling and utilization of metals and additionally substances containing metal contaminants[7]. Industrial discharge of waste has prompted high metal fixations on the earth, which are all in all 100-1000 overlap higher than those in the Earth's outside layer, and locally, living creatures can be presented to considerably more significant levels[8]. Mercury is a component and it was constantly present in the earth, worldwide human...