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Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by elevated glucose level in the blood. This study focused to find out the effects of whole-body vibration therapy and resisted exercise among type II diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods: Total 36 subjects both male and female were selected for this study with age group between (35 - 50 years). Subjects were divided into three groups. Group A received whole body vibration therapy and Group B received resisted exercise. Group C underwent conventional exercises. All three groups received an intervention for 12 weeks. Pre and post HbA1c and lipid profile were measured. Results: The study shows that there is a significant reduction in HbA1c level and lipid profile in whole body vibration therapy followed by resisted exercise group and conventional therapy group. Conclusion: This study concluded that whole body vibration therapy can recommend for controlling blood glucose level effectively among type II diabetes mellitus subjects.
KEYWORDS: Diabetes mellitus, Whole Body Vibration, Resisted exercise, HbA1c, Lipid profile.
It is a common endocrine disorder characterized by elevated blood glucose level due to either decrease in function of insulin on decreased secretion of insulin in our body1 Type 2 diabetes caused by so many factors includes stress, lack of exercise abnormal food habits, abnormal body mass index2 Recent studies shows that prevalence of diabetes in worldwide currently affects 246 million people.
It will be increasing gradually by 380 million in the year of 2025 and majority of the case will be in Indian and China3. Uncontrolled diabetes will lead to so many complications like peripheral neuropathy, Nephropathy, Retinopathy, CVA and myocardial infarction and sometimes death.4 According to report ICMR-INDIANS (India diabetes) majority of the undiagnosed case present in rural area than urban area5 Increasing in incidence and prevalence which causes greater burden for the health care delivery system and also affects the quality of life among type 2 DM patients6
Various pharmacological treatments available to control diabetes. But exercise plays a major role in controlling as well as preventing the type 2 DM7. recent studies supports well-structured lifestyle modification and more in physical activity and reducing weight contributing in the delayed onset of type 2 DM.8 American diabetes association (ADA) recommends therapeutic strengthening exercise preventing cardiovascular disease which...