An Intelligent Monitoring System for Water Quality Management using Internet of Things

  title={An Intelligent Monitoring System for Water Quality Management using Internet of Things},
  author={R. Rathna and U. V. Anbazhagu and L. Mary Gladence and V. Maria Anu and J. Sybi Cynthia},
  journal={2021 8th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications (ICSCC)},
  • R. RathnaU. V. Anbazhagu J. Sybi Cynthia
  • Published in 1 July 2021
  • Environmental Science, Engineering, Computer Science
  • 2021 8th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications (ICSCC)
This system applies a very simple logic as intelligence to detect the PH level and water level in residential flats in India.
In the current scenario, getting good drinking water or getting good quality water for domestic purpose is highly essential to maintain good health. By exploiting the water scarcity problem many private tanker water suppliers are providing water for very high cost. Even though the quality of water becomes questionable, many people are availing only this facility to fill their tanks in India, as there is no alternative. The proposed system uses a PH (Potential of Hydrogen) sensor and a temperature sensor to assess the water quality; a relay driver and solenoid valve to communicate with central controller ESP32 (ESP represents the company Espressif Systems) about the water quality and water level in tank; the collected data is sent through the cloud (analysing the PH levels of the collected data) to the mobile number of the user. The sensor setup can be controlled by the android application. All the components used are very simple reactive machines category, coming under type II of Artificial Intelligence. This system applies a very simple logic as intelligence to detect the PH level and water level in residential flats.

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