Synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Pedalium murex L. and its antiproliferative activity against breast cancer (MCF-7) cells
Plants have been used as traditional medicines and novel compounds as preventive and curative medicines have been identified from plant sources in the modern science. Plants interact with stressful environments by their physiological adaptations and by altering the biochemical parameters of the plant tissues and thus by producing an array of secondary metabolites. Secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, terpenes and polyphenols have been reported to possess antimutagenic and anticancer properties in many research studies [1]. The screening of plant derived products for antibacterial activity has shown that, the higher plants represent a potential source for novel antibiotic samples [2]. Nowadays, the field of nanotechnology received great attention of researchers in modern material science and technology [3], [4], [5], [6]. The most important and distinct property of nanoparticles is that they exhibit larger surface area to volume ratio [7]. The main advantage of using plant extracts to synthesize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) is easy accessibility, Safe and in most cases nontoxic plants which can help to reduce silver ions [8]. AgNPs are widely used in biomedical field such as antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer treatments [8], [9], [10], [11]. The core advantage of using plant extracts to synthesize metal NPs is their accessibility with ease, safety and non-toxicity which help to reduce the metal ions and to stabilize the metal NPs [12], [13], [14], [15]. Plants have various types of phytoproducts such as terpenes, flavones, ketones, aldehydes, amides and carboxylic acids that directly involved in the reduction of silver ions, and the formation of AgNPs synthesized by using phytochemicals is faster than that by microbes [16], [17], [18]. Cancer is one of the cause in the world today and they are increasing day by day. Oxygen free radicals have attained importance due to its potential health benefits and anticancer property [18].
Pedalium murex Linn. (Pedaliaceae) is an annual herb, which grows abundantly on the sea costs in South India, Srilanka, Ceylon, Mexico and tropical Africa [19]. The whole plant of Pedalium murex Linn. has been reported for various pharmacological aspects such as antiulcerogenic, nephroprotective, hypolipidemic, aphrodisiac, antioxidant, antibacterial and insecticidal activities and fruits consists of alkaloids (3.5–5%), aromatic oil, resins, carbohydrates, saponins, glycosides, stable oil, reducing sugars, triterpenoids and flavonoids such as 2′, 4′, 5′-trihydroxy-5, 7-dimethoxy flavones and triacontanyl dotriacontanoate [20], [21], [22], [23]. This present study is focused on phytochemical analysis and free radical scavenging activity of aqueous extracts of P. murex, green synthesis of AgNPs from fresh leaves of P. murex and evaluation of antibacterial and anticancer activity of both P. murex L. extract and AgNPs nanoconjugates.
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Preparation of plant extract
Fresh leaves of P. murex L. were collected from coastal areas of Thiruvanmayur, East Costal Road (ECR), Chennai, India (Fig. 1a), washed under running tap water to remove the debris and was finally rinsed with deionized water. One liter of sterilized deionized distilled water (DDW) was added and heated in a water bath at 50 °C for 30 min. The extract obtained was cooled and double filtered and the filtrate was lyophilized and the powder obtained was stored in an amber bottle. Analytical grade
Phytochemical analysis
Preliminary phytochemical analysis of aqueous leaf extract of P. murex showed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, saponins, phenolic compounds, proteins, amino acids and terpenoids [Table 1]. The findings of Thamizhmozhil et al., 2011 reported the presence of carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, steroids and flavonoids from petroleum ether extract, alcohol extract, chloroform extract and aqueous extract of P. murex and fruit extracts showed the presence of above
The present study has concluded the synthesis of silver nanoparticles from leaf extract of Pedalium murex L., which act as reducing agent and capping formation in the green synthesis process. The synthesis of AgNPs was confirmed by the formation of peak at 425 nm due to the surface plasmon resonance recorded by UV–Vis spectrometry and further confirmed by the supportive analysis such as SEM, TEM and EDAX with spherical particle formation, widely spread and with some agglomerates and finally
Credit author statement
Leeba Balan: Contribution in data gathering, preparation of results, writing, revision of the manuscript.
Sriram Chandrasekaran: Contribution in data analysis, biological assays.
Mani Gajendiran: Contribution in data analysis of the study, SEM and TEM analysis.
Raaman Nanjian: Principle investigator, supervision of the team, manuscript preparation.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors report no conflict of interest.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
The authors would like to thank Porf. G.N.Ramachandran Instrumentation center, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai – 600 025, Tamil Nadu, India for providing SEM and TEM facility.
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