
Internet of Things Platform for Smart Farming

Internet of Things Platform for Smart Farming






In the laundry list of problems faced by farmers across the world, lack of modern technology and mechanization for water and crop management is identified to be imperative to cope with the rapid population growth across the world and to improve the yield. The world is witnessing the increasing scarcity of water for years due to an increase in the population growth and pollution of water resources. On the other hand, the evolution of the IoT—Internet of Things (A system of connected computing devices delivered with precise identifiers that can transfer data over the internet without human‐to‐computer interaction or human‐to‐human interaction) due to convergence of embedded systems, machine learning, real‐time analytics, commodity sensors and wireless sensor networks have enabled the 20th‐century engineers to develop almost all the technology they have ever dreamed about. Thus this chapter aims to describe an Internet of Things platform for smart farming by using the above technologies to educate the targeted audiences on IoT and above tools with a working an example.

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Internet of things has evolved due to convergence of multiple technologies, including wireless communication, real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors, and embedded systems. Traditional fields of embedded systems, WSN, control systems, automation. A research article is a smart 2 way architecture of IoT that will use not only the sensors of IoT but also the cloud technology for the collection of information, alerting techniques for information and also tracking information. For the patients and older people this method will be beneficial for the assist systems enhancements for an independent living environment. Clinical fee will be reduced and anomaly detection is early with the use of this architecture. The architecture represented in this research article is the SMMC. At the point of care the accumulation of data from the IoT sensors takes place at first. Micro controller thereafter processes the analogue signal gathered from the sensors. The scientific support algorithms for selection are performed on the statistical data received by the cloud for alarming anomalies in the records. Prompting for sensors to get feedback or alerts is done using machine – machine protocols. © 2018, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights reserved.

