For investing purposes, data and analysis are vital. Investors depend on analysis to find the maximum profit from it. Many analysis methods have been implemented to understand the trend of the market. Charts are used for analysis to identify trading signals and patterns. By focusing on a particular trading method and by implementing it on huge datasets, the effective analysis could be performed at the first attempt. For the collection of huge datasets, Robotic process automation technology is used. Robotic process automation is based on the concept of automated robots or AI employees [1]. Robots are used to reproduce the work done by humans. On average a human can work 8 hours whereas robots can work tirelessly for 24 hours [1], [2]. Repeated mundane tasks of employees such as calculations, collecting data are automated with this Robotic staff. It uses advanced software techniques to manage routine and repetitive computer tasks automatically. Here Robotic process automation tool called UIpath is used. By using this tool large datasets are obtained within less time, as it requires no coding and it is a flowchart-based technique. Here all the necessary steps from importing files, data collection and, storing the file are done in a sequential manner by placing right activities for the relevant task within the flowchart. Obtained data are visualized in the analysis process. It is observed that the stock market chart trend does not always follow a straight line. There are uptrends and low trends in the account of every stock. Visualization of these trends gives investors an idea for making trading decisions.