January 2015
208 Reads
3 Citations
International Letters of Chemistry Physics and Astronomy
The photocatalytic activity was studied under UV light using AC-Cd/TiO 2 prepared via precipitation method and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) , high resolution scanning electron micrographs (HR-SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), photoluminescence (PL) and Fourier transform Raman analysis (FT-RAMAN). The enhanced photo catalytic activity of the AC-Cd/TiO 2 is demonstrated through photodegradation of methylene blue under UV light radiation at 365 nm. The mechanism of photocatalytic effect of AC-Cd/TiO 2 Nano composite material has been discussed Further its antibacterial activity against two gram positive and two gram negative bacterial strain is studied.